

Monday 9 January 2012

Housing Services being 'market tested'

LETRA has received an important letter, belatedly and not from H&F, but a concerned leaseholder, regarding the caretaking service provision on the estate and across the whole borough. The letter outlines to leaseholders that the council are considering whether to keep caretaking as a 
in-house service run by H&F or put it out to tender for an outside contractor to manage. This gives leaseholders the opportunity to consult with H&F, over a 30 day period, that is due to finish on January 16th. No such opportunity was given to tenants.
 On contacting H&F, we were told that at present this is 'market testing,' no decision had been taken and leaseholders had been informed because it was a legal requirement. LETRA also asked, if the rumour that the Housing and Regeneration department, the services that manages council properties, was also to be tendered out and received the same response, that it was also being 'market tested.' Both these major changes to our service provision, we were informed, will be discussed with tenants at a later date.
 LETRA considers that this half-hearted consultation has left at least 50% of our residents, the tenants, in the dark about one extremely important decision making processes, with regard to caretaking, that affect our homes and the future workings of the council on the Lytton Estate and all residents being excluded, at present, from knowing about any in-process decisions concerning H&F's Housing & Regeneration department. This at a time, when the council is promising a greater say for residents through the 'Involvement Strategy.' 
 Draw your own conclusions about all of the above.

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