

Friday 19 February 2010


New Garden Areas at Pelham House?

We have applied for a grant under the HEIP (Housing Estate Improvement Programme) for the two fenced areas behind Pelham House to be transformed . They are covered in an unsightly mix of moss and asphalt (see above). Being situated by the entrance doors to the block residents have complained that daily they have to pass these ugly spaces. If we are successful the areas will be replaced with attractive gardens. Groundwork, the environmental charity, will undertake the work. They will ask resident to take part in the design and running of the project. So if you are interested get in touch with LETRA.

Crescent Club Closure

The Crescent Night Club has closed. This is welcome news for all residents. We at LETRA campaigned against it becoming a Lap dancing club or it gaining a 5am license. Instead of being an entertainment venue, it had become a gathering place for serious street violence. Lets hope any new venture takes into account that the building is situated in a residential area.

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